Integral Leadership in Action

I have been involved in the Integral community here in NYC for many years, but last year, while I was off living on a mountain for a year I got to know the Asheville, NC community in well. It was great to see how another sangha has coalesced around Ken Wilber's work, make new friends and take part in both their discussions and practice group. One of those new friends is Terry Poling, the president of Integral Leadership in Action or ILIA. ILIA puts on an annual conference featuring leaders from around the world who are "dedicated to the facilitation of the dynamically unfolding human condition while compassionately in service to all life." It's a great group of people with really boundary pushing ideas and endeavors. Unfortunately I can't make it this year, but here's some info in case you want to check it out yourself:


Integral Salon - Let's Talk Meditation


The Gender War: No Integral End in Sight