Gossipist - Mixing Business with Besties: A Dangerous Dance– Pillowtok #35

How do you feel about your coworkers? Are they your friends? Your best friends? Do you do your best to keep your work life and your social life separate and distinct?

One of the reasons I became a Life & Career Coach was to work with people that I love more. I wanted to blur the lines between friendship and work and see what kind of beautiful mess I could create. I have coached my friends. I have become friends with people I have coached. I decided that, since we spend such a huge percentage of our waking hours surrounded by those we work with, I might as well see how many amazing people I could work with. So far I have been blessed. I work with Amazing people who are committed to growth, transformation, entrepreneurship, health, spirituality, having deep, open conversations and then taking actions to change their lives for the better.

Lauren and Maayan are co-founders of the Gossipist podcast network and co-hosts of the podcast PillowTok. They are good friends who have decided to work together. They invited me to be a guest on PillowTok to help them work through some of the ups and downs that working together has introduced into their relationship. These are two brilliant and very self aware women who are willing and able to face their difference head on for the sake of both their friendship and their business.

Check out the podcast here to listen in and hopefully learn a thing or two you can apply to your own relationships both at work and at home.

- Devin 


Purpose Up Podcast


Situationism vs. Dispositionism